A Better Tomorrow

I was looking back at some old notes of mine I had written about 4 years ago during a not-so-pleasant moments of life, and I couldn’t help but laugh and smile. Back then, however, I can assure you there was nothing remotely funny or a crack of smile present when I was going through said moments. Now, I read these notes and I can’t even recall the exact events. Today, I look back and those struggles and tough times no longer occupy a space and are dwarf in the grand scheme of things.

The joy of today has wiped away the tears of yesterday.

If you are reading this and hanging on to a flimsy thin thread of hope thinking and questioning will it ever get better? The answer is a resounding YES. Things will get better. Things are getting better though it may not feel like it, but the good news is that our feelings were never a good marker of reality. Persevere just a little more. Hold on tightly the thread of hope.

Now, you may be wondering who is these stranger on WordPress telling me “things will get better” when they don’t even know me or what I am going through? Yea, I get it. I have been there too—-when people will say things like “you will be fine” or “all will be well.” But because I was so consumed by the current circumstances of disappointments, rejections, no-show, hardship, & etc I found it hard to believe or accept their words. Nonetheless, I persevered and held on to my faith in God. Years later, things in fact has gotten better and all is indeed well.

I say this—-from a place of care and lived experience—things will get better. It will. But, you mustn’t give up or give in. Half the battle is all mindset, if you believe you can, you will. The most important person that must believe is YOU. Even if your loved ones and strangers like myself believe in you, if you don’t believe in yourself then it’s hard to take the next step forward in the midst of challenges and set-backs.

So, STOP reading for a second and say to self boldly:

I believe I can

I know I can

I am more than capable to achieve

I am more than able to obtain

Everything that I want to do

And everything that I want to get

A day will come when you too will look back at your struggles and laugh and smile about it. A day when your current struggles will no longer be the dictator of your happiness but a source of laughter as you reminisce. A day when your current struggles has shrunk in size and no longer play the lead role in your life. A day when your struggles are now a source of inspiration and not a source of sorrow, sadness, and sleepless night. The day will come.

You got this. You can do it. Keep planting and very soon you will pluck what you’ve planted [Eccs. 3:2].

A better tomorrow awaits you.

He has made everything beautiful in His time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11


19 responses to “A Better Tomorrow”

  1. Beautiful advice Cyn. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate it (:
      Thank you Sadje !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome my friend


  2. Hey Cyn – you always seem to know what kind of Sunshine we need! Thank you for sharing this today. It’s hard to feel hope amidst our sorrows, but choosing to believe with Hope is how faith (& God) carry us through our tough times. Blessings to you today!! 💐✨🙏✨💐

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey Virginia, it’s always a good feel reading from you. Thank you for your kind words.
      It is in fact true that we are currently in a tough time with all that’s happening simultaneously —may God help us and see us through.
      Have a great and fabulous weekend ✨🤍


  3. Thank you for sharing!!.. “Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come”. (Author Unknown)… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May your troubles be less
    Your blessings be more
    And nothing but happiness
    Come through your door
    (Irish Saying)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amazing quote! Very true.
      Thank you Dutchll, for sharing positive thoughts through quote and poetry. Always a delight reading from you 🤍✨
      I hope you do have a fabulous week!


  4. Make your bitter to be better. Overall, Great piece.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right! Nice way to put it.
      Thank you! (:


      1. Can you give me your opinions on my writing


  5. Apt!!! It does gets better. 💯
    And we need to hope and trust God in these phases too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! When we put our hope and trust in Him, He never fails.
      Thank you Mercy for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes sis. 💯
        You are welcome. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for giving such a beautiful advice.

    Liked by 1 person

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